A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Chip a Golf Ball

How to Chip a Golf Ball

Last Updated on May 1, 2024 by Daniel

If you want to improve your golf game and lower your scores, mastering the art of chipping is a crucial skill to develop. Chipping, also known as pitching, is a short-game technique used to get the golf ball from around the green onto the putting surface with precision and control. It’s an essential skill for golfers of all levels, from beginners to advanced players. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to chip a golf ball effectively and consistently.

Mastering the Art of Chipping: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Chip a Golf Ball

How to Chip a Golf Ball

Step 1: Assess the Situation

Before you start chipping, take a moment to assess the situation. Evaluate the distance to the hole, the lie of the ball, the slope of the green, and any obstacles in your path. This information will help you determine the right club, shot, and target for your chip.

Step 2: Choose the Right Club

Selecting the right club is crucial for successful chipping. Generally, you’ll want to use a club with a higher loft, such as a pitching wedge, sand wedge, or lob wedge. The higher loft will help you get the ball up in the air quickly and land it softly on the green.

The distance to the hole will dictate the club you choose. For shorter chips, you may use a higher lofted club like a sand wedge, while for longer chips, you may opt for a pitching wedge or even an 8-iron. Experiment with different clubs during practice sessions to find the one that works best for you in different situations.

Step 3: Adopt the Proper Stance and Grip

How to Chip a Golf Ball

As you set up to chip the ball, your stance and grip are crucial for a solid and consistent shot. Here’s how to do it:


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Distribute your weight slightly more towards your front foot.
  • Open your stance slightly by flaring your front foot outwards.
  • Stand relatively close to the ball, with it positioned slightly back in your stance.


  • Use a slightly firm grip with your hands ahead of the ball.
  • Place your lead hand (the hand closest to the target) lower on the club, and your trail hand (the hand farthest from the target) higher.
  • Keep your grip pressure consistent throughout the swing.

Step 4: Execute the Chip Shot

Now that you’re set up, it’s time to make the chip shot. Follow these steps for a successful chip:

  1. Keep your wrists firm and your arms relaxed.
  2. Take a short backswing, using your shoulders and keeping your lower body stable.
  3. Accelerate through the ball with a descending blow, hitting down and through the ball.
  4. Keep your eyes on the ball and make sure to strike it cleanly.
  5. Follow through with your arms and club finishing high, towards the target.

Remember, the key to a good chip shot is to keep it simple and controlled. Avoid excessive wrist movement or scooping at the ball, as it can lead to inconsistent results.

Step 5: Practice, Practice, Practice!

Like any golf skill, chipping takes practice to master. Set up a practice area around the green with different lies and slopes to simulate real course conditions. Spend time honing your chipping skills, experimenting with different clubs, and refining your technique.

As you practice, pay attention to your ball flight, accuracy, and distance control. Keep track of your progress and make adjustments as needed to improve your chipping game.


In conclusion, chipping is a crucial short-game skill that every golfer should master to improve their overall performance. By assessing the situation, choosing the right club, adopting the proper stance in conjunction with enough practice, you’ll become a master chipper in no time.

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